Turnips Anyone? How about Turnip Wine?

My first thought when intercepting this recipe from The British Housewife by Martha Bradley (1756) was “who would think to ferment turnips?” Followed by, if turnips, then why not some other vegetable? Fermentation in turnip wine is aided through the added sugar. I searched for other turnip wine recipes, all of which use similar proportions of sugar to turnip juice. Some leave out the brandy, but add fresh lemon and orange juice.  Check out this ode-to-turnips website, www.turniprecipes.co.uk part of a series of websites from EatSeasonal.co.uk. Yep, you read it here.

There are a number of “eat seasonally” resources online, and the UK has some great offerings, including eatseasonably.co.uk , eattheseasons.co.uk , and in North America, eattheseasons.com. Lest you think growing season long past here’s a list of vegetables from eattheseasons.com a their peak now: broccoli, broccolini, brussels sprouts, butternut squash, celery root, collards, fennel, leeks, mache, potatoes (maincrop), pumpkin, rutabaga, salsify, sweet potatoes, sunchoke, and of course, turnips.

Let me know if anyone has tasted or made this.

The British Housewife, page 82.

The British Housewife, page 82.

About Becky Fifield

Becky Fifield is a cultural heritage professional with 25 years experience in institutions large and small. She is currently Head of Collection Management for the Special Collections of the New York Public Library. An advocate for preventive conservation, Ms. Fifield is a Professional Associate of the American Institute for Conservation, Chair of the AIC Collection Care Network, and former Chair of Alliance for Response NYC. She is also a scholar of 18th century female unfree labor and dress. There's a bit of pun in the title The Still Room, delineating a quiet space brimming with the ingredients of memory, where consideration, analysis, and wordcraft can take place. Ms. Fifield’s interests include museum practice, dress history, historic preservation, transit, social and women’s history, food, current events, geneaology, roadtrips, and considerations on general sense of place. Becky and her husband, Dr. V, live in the Hudson Valley.