The train station at Winterthur Museum, Delaware. 2013. Back when the front doors faced the rail. The front is not accessible as its now a private residence and the rail embankment on the other side blocks the view. RL Fifield.
You had to know that the DuPonts would have had their own train station for their 2400-acre estate outside of Wilmington, DE.
I’m living at Winterthur for the month while participating in a preventive conservation exchange and researching how 18th century working women acquired textiles and garments (see an earlier post on the project here). Surprisingly, train fanatics haven’t documented this little station extensively online. It is located between the museum and the employee entrance, so while you can walk to it, most visitors to Winterthur probably never make it over to the little Victorian structure. It serves as a private residence for Winterthur staff, so it’s not very accessible. The DuPonts welcomed guests, coal, and supplies to the estate via the country train station. Speaking as a public transportation user, it’s too bad you can no longer reach Winterthur by train.