Thumbs up: Indianapolis.

Philadelphia’s 30th Street Station on a Saturday night, the usual bustle gone. The World War I memorial. RL Fifield.
Thumbs down: US Airways (I should have known better). The airplane from Indianapolis operated by Air Wisconsin was probably refurbished last in 1983 (the flight attendant was old school and friendly though). Three hour layover in Philadelphia coming home. Kudos to Philadelphia Airport being well connected to train service. I ditched my connection, took SEPTA to 30th Street Station, and caught an Amtrak train. I was home an hour earlier. Just another indication of the faltering ability of airlines to move us about the country. I’d rather take the train.
I’m sure it’s a different story in the winter, but Indianapolis in May was pleasant. Sure, the local department store went under and now the building is occupied by TJ Maxx. A large Mall structure snakes through the downtown, sucking people off the streets. No matter, street life was prevalent. I had dinner with Ms. I at Cerulean in the Alexander Hotel. Ms. T joined us and we sat in their lovely bar on an outside elevated deck in the summer evening breeze.
A few very random shots from Indy. I did spend most of my time in my conference.

A gorgeous evening and having a balcony all to myself at the Indianapolis Museum of Art, during the American Institute for Conservation’s Annual Meeting opening reception. It’s good to have a little space to break up the being “on.” RL Fifield.

I can’t help but think of historic site signs standing in front of parking garages as apologies. “Whoops, we goofed. Here’s another parking garage.” Indianapolis. RL Fifield.
FYI-I had good flights on Delta last week. I was not expecting it. They’ve re-done their LGA terminal. It’s even got a mani-pedi staion!
Wow usually I don’t look forward to Delta!
Me neither. But I was gong into Sarasota non-stop. Jet blue has one flight out of LGA. If anything goes wrong, it’s late. I just held my breath and tried Delta. Looks like they’re trying hard.
My US Air flight had a significant portion of conservators from the eastern seaboard. Would have been a lot of open positions if something had happened!
Mine too!
T.J. Maxx forever! (Sorry, is that very flip of me?)