Schrafft’s at 155 E. 79th Street as it appeared in 1944.
A “Rat Poison” sign appeared on the front door of 155 East 79th street. Generally, that’s the sign that indicates death is close at hand. Obviously the rats are going to kick it. But it’s the building that is coming down next. Certainly, we were in a historic preservation district, next to Lexington Ave, right? And this building, a former Schrafft’s Restaurant with a marble facade, was iconic enough to spare replacement by the glass and fiberboard dreck going in further down the block, right? (charmless 200 E. 79th Street, apartments starting at $2.8M).
The building disappeared under the hands of coffee-sipping, cig-smoking, and hard-hat wearing demolition crew. Read this Streetscapes feature from the New York Times on disappearing Schrafft’s buildings from 2008. Now we await the arrival of yet another glass box, with a bank in the bottom. I don’t know about you, but I can’t eat money, especially in this electronic age.
Great blog post and I loved reading the menu. So sad to be losing a piece of our history. 🙁
I love “What’s on the Menu?” at NY Public Library’s site. So cool to think of old New York via this really cool online menu collection. A really great resource.
thanks for your insight Becky.. we need to be more mindful of the need to protect historic structures..or we will return to the days when demolishing Penn station seemed like a good idea
Thanks Sheila! Couldn’t agree more. What a loss.